The group faces complex challenges as it invests in diversified and varied industries. Compliance with all requirements, on all levels, with the different regulatory bodies can only be achieved if a proper risk management system is in place and always adhered to. The compliance function identifies, assesses, advises, monitors and reports on the compliance risk of the group as an investment entity, as well as legal risk in terms of the potential impact of changes in laws and regulations. The company secretarial department, senior management with the assistance of the group CAE, internal audit and the legal department manage and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Any compliance matters or risks identified are monitored, mitigated and reported to the ARC and the board.
The group’s primary listing on the JSE and secondary listing on the Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) means that the company is subject to and complies with the JSE Listings Requirements (LR) and the NSX LR.
Trustco established a sponsored Level 1 ADR program in the United States of America (USA) in 2014. The purpose of the ADR was to facilitate access to Trustco shares (TTO) in the USA and to enhance the international presence of the emerging markets vision of the group. Trustco has upgraded its Level 1 ADR program to a real-time Level 2 ADR program on 26 August 2019. The Trustco share has commenced trading on the OTCQX Best Market under the symbol TSCHY. The company’s listing on the OTCQX means the company is subject to the requirements of the OTCQX International and must comply with its US disclosure obligations under the Exchange Act Rule 12g3-2(b) and the OTCQX standard for international companies.
Annual Compliance Certificate JSE – 31 August 2023
Annual Compliance Certificate NSX – 31 August 2023
King IV Register – 31 August 2023
Annual Report Questionnaire Equity and Hybrid Issuers – 28 February 2023